Friday, November 30, 2018

Sakurai Reveals Why Kirby Was The Only One Who Survived The Smash Ultimate Apocalypse

And no, it's not just favouritism.

We expect that everyone and their Duck Hunt Duo has now seen the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate World of Light trailer (you know, the one where all your favourite cuddly Nintendo characters got obliterated in murderous beams of light, forcing you to snuggle up to your loved ones thanks to the pure stress and heartache of it all). Well, if you have seen it, you might be wondering why Kirby was the only character chosen to survive the Nintendo apocalypse. That conundrum has now been answered.

At first, many assumed it may well be because game director Masahiro Sakurai has an obvious soft spot for the character - he did create the adorable pink blob after all - but it actually has much more to do with the game's playability and common sense (as far as common sense can go in a game about fictional princesses, lizards, and electric rodents smashing each other to bits). Sakurai revealed the true reasoning in his most recent Famitsu magazine column, kindly translated by the folks at Source Gaming:

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from Nintendo Life | Latest Updates November 29, 2018 at 07:45PM

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