Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Review: Aaero: Complete Edition - A Musical Marvel That Comes Close To Matching Rez's Greatness

It’s sweet like chocolate.

Cast your mind back a generation or two, to the plastic instrument war. Guitar Hero and Rock Band were the biggest things in gaming, then all of a sudden the craze died and, just like that, the fun was over. Just as the light was flickering out, though, one final bright star appeared: DJ Hero.

It was the work of UK studio FreeStyle Games, and was arguably one of the best rhythm action games ever made, but it came too late in the life of the 'plastic instrument' genre to make a serious impact and so it (and its sequel) also died. Paul Norris and Dan Horbury were two of the key developers who worked on DJ Hero, and when they both left FreeStyle they decided to form their own studio, Mad Fellows. Aaero is their first game, and if you didn’t think lightning could strike twice then you’re about to get a double jolt right up the rump.

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from Nintendo Life | Latest Updates December 18, 2018 at 05:00PM

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