Saturday, January 12, 2019

Battlefield 5 vs RTX 2060 - can Nvidia's mainstream GPU deliver ray-traced visuals at 1080p60?

Earlier this week, we reviewed Nvidia's GeForce RTX 2060. Priced at £330/€370/$350, it's the first mainstream graphics card to hit the market with hardware ray tracing support. Right now, it's early days for RT technology and initial demos suggested that even the top-end RTX 2080 Ti could only run ray tracing with a big resolution or performance hit - so what chance would the significantly cut-down RTX 2060 have? The good news is that BF5's RT performance has improved dramatically, and initial tests produced some promising results on the RTX 2060 at full ultra settings. Frame-rates were still highly variable though, and what we wanted was something more ambitious - a fully locked 1080p60 experience with RT features enabled. The good news is, it can be done.

Before we go on, it's worth pointing out that we're actually testing the RTX 2060 on the current version of Battlefield 5, not the updated version due soon, which includes support for Nvidia's DLSS (deep-learning super-sampling) and perhaps further ray tracing optimisations. Indeed, what makes testing on the current build so intriguing is that there's every chance that DICE may not have even had the chance to test the cut-down RTX 2060 at all - after all, the current BF5 runtime dates back to December 5th 2018. This may explain some of the challenges I faced running the game on the new Nvidia card.

During the review period, I tested the game running at 1080p on full ultra settings, including ultra quality DXR ray tracing, with a ballpark 50fps delivered across the campaign. However, intrusive stutter mars the experience, while performance can vary from a recorded 35fps minimum right up to the 80s. My aim in returning to Battlefield 5 with the RTX 2060 was to bring up those minimums to 60fps, while maintaining as much of the fidelity of the fully enabled experience as possible. You can see the full process in achieving this on the video embedded on this page, but suffice to say, the tweaks required upended some of the preconceptions I had in tuning for performance on PC titles - and it's indicative of the added challenges that ray tracing may bring to game development.

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from January 11, 2019 at 07:30PM

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