Sunday, September 8, 2019

Jet Set Radio may be with us no more, but its influence is everywhere

Despite the rough ride the Dreamcast had back in the day, it definitely brought us some diamonds, didn't it? Sonic Adventure 1 and 2, Power Stone, Trickstyle and that's just to name a few personal picks...

Jet Set Radio was the quirky, whimsical, neon-infused sporty, adventure street-art themed video game that first came into our lives via the Dreamcast. And it was arguably one of the standout titles on that platform and later spawned a sequel, Jet Set Radio Future on Xbox in 2002. I'm still not-so-secretly hoping for a reboot someday.

Jet Set Radio is an absolute classic, and it remains so to this day. It had an unlikely, unique premise where you're part of a graffiti gang, tagging and running away from the cops in a colourful urban playground - all of which proved to make for a very fun video game. It's a thing of boundless creativity.

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from September 08, 2019 at 12:30PM

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