Saturday, October 5, 2019

Review: Galaxy Champions TV - Smash Up Your TV With This Engaging Twin-Stick Blaster

"I'd buy that for a dollar!".

Rewind back to last week’s review of Contra: Rogue Corps and we discussed how not getting the basic building blocks of a twin-stick shooter right ensured that your game – no matter how much bloat, padding and on-trend features you bulked it up with – would ultimately fail to keep players engaged or hooked. This is a genre that demands precise, reliable controls and a pick-up-and-play addictiveness in order to succeed. aQuadian’s Galaxy Champions TV knows this, and nails it.

If you’ve ever played Robotron: 2084, Total Carnage or, most especially, Smash TV, you’ll instantly recognise the set-up here. It’s 2049 and all the planets in our galaxy have been populated and are now ruled over by an evil dictatorship which has banned all forms of entertainment, except for a hyper-violent TV show called Galaxy Champions, where contestants run a brutal gauntlet of enemies in order to escape with their lives and win a ton of cash.

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from Nintendo Life | Latest Updates October 05, 2019 at 06:30PM

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