The post Monster Hunter World Iceborne Event Quest Guide appeared first on Fextralife.
With the addition of Monster Hunter World: Iceborne, weekly event quests will now have master rank included. In addition, hunters can now check the active events in game. Below are every single event quest in Monster Hunter World and the Iceborne expansion with their requirements, quest details, and rewards.
Monster Hunter World Iceborne Event Quest Guide
Low Rank Event Quests
High Rank Event Quests
Master Rank Event Quests
1 ★ – 5 ★ Low Rank Event Quests
“Up at the Crack of Dawn”
- 1 ★ located in the Arena
- There is no HR requirement.
- Players must slay 12 Kestodon.
- 2 ★ located in the Ancient Forest
- There is no HR requirement.
- Players must hunt 2 Great Jagras.
USJ: Gold Star Treatment![](
- 3 ★ located in the Arena
- Players must be HR 4 or higher
- Players must slay 3 Great Jagras. 1 is a guarantee small crown while the other is a large crown.
- Players will obtain “Azure Star Shard” from this event and they are used to make the low rank Azure Star Palico Armor Set and the Azure Star Blade Longsword.
- Players will need 6 Azure Star Shards to forge everything.
“Where Sun meets Moon”
- 3 ★ located in the Ancient Forest
- Players must be HR 4 or higher
- Player must slay a Pukei-Pukei and a Tobi-Kadachi.
- Increase low rank rewards in addition to the Downy Crake Ticket and Steel Egg drops.
- 4 ★ located in the Special Arena
- Players must be HR 6 or higher
- Hunt Kulu-Ya-Ku and Tzitzi-Ya-Ku
“Timberland Troublemakers”
- 4 ★ located in the Ancient Forest
- Players must be HR 4 or higher
- Player must slay 2 Anjanaths.
- Increase low rank rewards in addition to the Bristly Crake Ticket and Steel Egg drops.
- 4 ★ located in the Special Arena
- Players must be HR 6 or higher
- They must hunt a Great Jagras, a Pukei-Pukei, and a Paolumu.
- Players will obtain a good amount of vouchers upon completion.
- 5 ★ located in the Special Arena
- Players must be HR 8 or higher
- Player must hunt a Diablos and 2 Barroths.
- Players can obtain a decent amount of armor spheres.
“Lessons of the wild” PS4 Only
- 5 ★ located in the Arena
- Players must be HR 6 or higher
- Players must slay 8 Barnos.
- Players will obtain “Watcher Lens” from this event and they are used to make the Watcher Palico Armor Set.
- 5 ★ located in the Special Arena
- Players must be HR 8 or higher
- Players must hunt an Odogaron and a Radobaan.
- 5 ★ located in the Coral Highlands
- Players must be HR 8 or higher
- Player must slay 2 Kirins.
- 5 ★ located in the Ancient Forest
- Players must be HR 8 or higher
- Player must slay a Pukei-Pukei, a Rathian, and Rathalos
Every Hunter’s Dream
- 5 ★ located in the Arena
- Players must be HR 8 or higher
- Player must hunt a Rathalos and a Paolumu.
- Players will obtain “Master Craftman’s Blueprint” from this event and they are used to make the Wyvern Ignition Great Sword.
6 ★ – 9 ★ High Rank Event Quests
“The Proving” PS4 Only
- 6 ★ located in the Ancient Forest
- Players must be HR 11 or higher
- Player must hunt an Anjanath.
- For complete information for this quest see Aloy guide
“Scrapping with the Shamos“![](
- 6 ★ located in the Coral Highlands
- Players must be HR 11 or higher
- Players must slay 13 Shamos.
- Players will obtain “Black Bandage” which is used to forge Sealed Eyepatch α.
- 6 ★ located in the Special Arena
- Players must be Hunter Rank 11 or higher
- Players must hunt 3 Tzitzi-Ya-Ku
- Players will obtain “Black Crystal Ticket” which is used to forge Shadow Shades α
- 6 ★ located in the Coral Highlands
- Players must be HR 11 or higher
- Player must deliver 10 Wigglers
- Players will obtain “Wiggler Ticket” which is used to forge Wiggler Head α.
- For the quickest way to obtain the Wigglers players should move from camp 1 to the surrounding Wigglers nest until they obtain all 10.
“Egg Lovers United”
- 6 ★ located in the Arena
- Players must be HR 11 or higher
- You must hunt 1 Gold Crown Kulu-Ya-Ku.
- Players will obtain “Kulu-Ya-Ku” which is used to forge Kulu-Ya-Ku Head α Armor
Midnight Mayhem
- 6 ★ located in the Arena
- Players must be HR 11 or higher
- Player must slay 10 Kestodons.
- Players will obtain “First Fleet Ticket” from this event and they are used to make the Shooting Star Lance and it’s upgrade.
- 6 ★ located in the Arena
- Players must be HR 11 or higher
- Player must slay 4 large Mosswine and 1 Extra Jumbo Mosswine.
- These Mosswine will 1 shot players even if they are using Temporal Mantle.
- Shoot them with Stones to stagger them.
- Players will obtain a Faux Ticket, a Golden Egg, some Mosswine parts, and at least 1 of each Armor Sphere.
- Remember Faux Tickets are used to create the Mosswine Helm and Felyne Helm.
- My personal rewards were:
- Mosswine Hides
- Blue Mushrooms
- Nitroshroom
- Devil’s Blight
- Faux Ticket
- Golden Egg
- Armor Sphere
- Armor Sphere +
- Hard Armor Sphere
- Advance Armor Spheres
- Heavy Armor Spheres
- 6 ★ located in the Special Arena
- Players must be HR 13 or higher
- Players must hunt a Dodogama, a Great Jargas, and a Great Girros.
- Event provides several decorations upon completion. (Good for low rank or as melding fodder)
- 6 ★ located in the Everstream
- Players must be HR 11 or higher
- Players must guide Zorah Magdaros.
- 7 ★ located in the Wildspire Wastes
- Players must be HR 13 or higher
- Players must hunt a Diablos and a Black Diablos.
- This quest has both Diablos and a Bazelguese; nothing special to report.
- 7 ★ located in the Elder’s Recess
- Players must be HR 13 or higher
- Hunt 2 Uragaan
- Event provides a high chance of Armor Spheres upon completion.
- 7 ★ located in the Ancient Forest
- Players must be HR 13 or higher
- Player must hunt a Great Jagras, Pukei-Pukei, Tobi-Kadachi, Anjanath and Rathalos.
- 7 ★ located in the Wildspire Waste
- Players must be HR 13 or higher
- Player must hunt a Kulu-Ya-Ku, Barroth, Jyuratodus, Rathian and Diablos.
- 7 ★ located in the Coral Highlands
- Players must be HR 13 or higher
- Player must hunt a Tzitzi-Ya-Ku, Paolumu, Legiana, and Pink Rathian.
“Effluvial Opera”
- 7 ★ located in the Rotten Vale
- Players must be HR 13 or higher
- Players must hunt a Great Girros, an Odogaron, a Radobaan, and a Bazelgeuse.
“Rock N’ Roll Recess”
- 7 ★ located in the Elder’s Recess
- Players must be HR 13 or higher
- Player must hunt a Dodogama, Lavasioth, Uragaan, and Azure Rathalos.
- 7 ★ located in the Arena
- Players must be HR 13 or higher
- Player must slay a tiny Odogaron and a large Odogaron.
- Players will obtain “Rockman Ticket” which is used to forge Rockman Palico Weapon and Armor Set.
USJ Blazing Azure Stars!
- 7 ★ located in the Arena
- Players must be HR 13 or higher
- Players must slay a Dodogama and an Azure Rathlos. The Dodogama is a guarantee large crown while the Azure Rathalos is a small crown.
- Players will obtain “Azure Stargem” from this event and they are used to make the high rank Azure Starlord α Armor Set and the upgrade the Azure Star “Dragon Dance” Longsword.
- Players will need 7 Azure Stargems to forge everything.
“A Royal Pain”
- 7 ★ located in the Wildspire Waste
- Players must be HR 12 or higher
- Player must slay a Pink Rathian and a Rathain.
- Increase high rank rewards in addition to the Faux Ticket and Golden Egg drops.
“Kings Know No Fear”
- 7 ★ located in the Elder Recess
- Players must be HR 13 or higher
- Player must slay an Azure Rathalos and a Rathalos.
- Increase high rank rewards in addition to the Faux Ticket II to forge the Sealed Eyepatch & Wiggler Layered armor and Gold Egg drops.
“SDF: Silent, Deadly, and Fierce Event”
- 8 ★ located in the Special Arena
- Players must be HR 14 or higher
- Player must slay a Deviljho, an Odogaron, and a Lunastra.
- Deviljho and Odogaron will be roaming the arena and once they are killed Lunastra will emerge.
- Players will obtain “Senu’s Feather” to craft an Assassin Creed full layered armor and mantle.
- Players will need to complete this mission 4 times.
- Then proceed to the Smithy and talk to those inside. When you have the required materials head to where the bounty board is at to complete the deliveries.
“Code Red”
- 8 ★ located in the Arena
- Players must be HR 14 or higher
- Player must slay a Anjanath, an Odogaron, a Rathalos, and Teostra.
- Players will obtain “Red Orb” which is used to forge the Dante’s Demon Sword and Dante α Armor Set. For more info, see our Dante Event guide
“The Fury of El Dorado”
- 9 ★ located in the Caverns of El Dorado
- Players must be HR 50 or higher
- Player must slay an Arch Tempered Kulve Taroth.
- Players will obtain Kulve Taroth Emperor Nugget to forge the Kulve Taroth γ armor.
“A Whisper of White Mane”
- 9 ★ located in the Coral Highlands
- Players must be HR 50 or higher
- Player must slay a Arch Tempered Kirin.
- Players will obtain Kirin Ticket to forge the new Kirin Armor γ and Blossom Layered Armor.
“The Deadly Quiet Curtain”
- 9 ★ located in the Rotten Vale
- Players must be HR 50 or higher
- Player must slay a Arch Tempered Vaal Hazak.
- Players will obtain materials to forge the new Vaal Hazak Armor γ and Death Stench Layered Armor.
- 9 ★ located in the Elder Recess
- Players must be HR 50 or higher
- Player must slay an Arch Tempered Teostra .
- Players will obtain Teostra Ticket to forge the new Teostra Armor γ and Dante Layered Armor.
- 9 ★ located in the Elder Recess
- Players must be HR 50 or higher
- Player must slay an Arch Tempered Kushala Doara.
- Players will obtain Kushala Daora Ticket to forge the new Kushala Daora Armor γ and the Guild Cross Layered Armor.
A Visitor from Eorzea (Extreme)![](
- 9 ★ located in the Elder Recess
- Players must be HR 50 or higher
- Player must slay a powerful Behemoth.
- Players will obtain Glamour Prism to forge the Drachen Layered Armor.
“Like a Moth to the Flame”
- 9 ★ located in the Confluence of Fates
- Players must be HR 50 or higher
- Player must slay an Arch Tempered Xeno’jiiva.
- Players will obtain Xeno’jiiva Ticket to forge the Commission Layered Armor.
“When Blue Dust Surpasses Red Lust”
- 9 ★ located in the Elder Recess
- Players must be HR 50 or higher
- Player must slay a Arch Tempered Lunastra.
- Players will obtain Lunastra Ticket to forge the new Empress Armor γ and Sakura Layered Armor.
“Undying Aplenglow”
- 9 ★ located in the Everstream
- Players must be HR 50 or higher
- Player must guide an Arch Tempered Zorah Magdaros.
- Players will obtain Zorah Magdaros Ticket to forge the new Zorah Armor γ.
“The Heart of the Nora”
- 9 ★ located in the Ancient Forest
- Players must be HR 50 or higher
- Player must slay a 2 tempered Deviljho. One will be a large crown Deviljho while the other will be a small gold crown.
- Players will obtain Aloy Ticket to forge the new Aloy Full Armor γ and the Aloy Layered Armor.
“The Greatest Jagras”
- 9 ★ located in the Ancient Forest
- Players must be HR 50 or higher
- Player must slay an Great Jagras.
- Players may obtain Mysterious, Glowing, and Warped Feystones.
- He will spit up several times during the fight which will leave behind shinies.
- Collect these shinies to obtain decorations.
- Make sure you let him eat as its possible to DPS him so he can’t eat.
- Players can obtain the Faux Ticket III upon completion.
“My Name is Lavasioth”
- 9 ★ located in the Ancient Forest
- Players must be HR 50 or higher
- Player must slay an Lavasioth.
- Players may obtain Mysterious, Glowing, and Warped Feystones.
- This quest is great for those looking to obtain Warped Feystones as on low avg its possible to always get 2 from simply completing the quest. Those lucky may get up to 10.
- Players can obtain the Beetle Tickets upon completion.
“Contract: Woodland Spirit”
- 9 ★ located in the Ancient Forest
- Players must be HR 50 or higher
- Player must slay an Ancient Leshen.
- Players will obtain higher quality Leshen materials that will be required to upgrade the Witcher’s Silver Sword into the Witcher Silver Sword+, Zireael, Ciri’s Full Armor, Ciri’s Full Layered Armor, and Geralt’s Full Layered Armor.
“The Heralds of Destruction Cry”
- 9 ★ located in the Elder Recess
- Players must be HR 50 or higher
- Player must slay an Arch Tempered Nergigante.
- Players will obtain Nergigante Ticket to forge the Nergigante Gamma Armor and the Ryu Full Layered Armor.
- 9 ★ located in the Ancient Forest and Elder’s Recess
- Players must be HR 50 or higher
- Players must hunt a tempered Deviljho.
- Event provides a high chance obtain Gleaming, Warrior, and Hero Streamstones.
- 9 ★ located in the Coral Highlands
- Players must be HR 30 or higher
- Player must hunt a tempered Legiana and tempered Pink Rathian
- Event provides about 75% of an experience bar.
“A Nose For An Eye“
- 9 ★ located in the Ancient Forest
- Players must be HR 30 or higher
- Players must hunt a Tempered Anjanath and a Tempered Azure Rathalos.
- This event provides players with increased experience.
“No Tomorrow For Usurpers”
- 9 ★ located in the Elder’s Recess
- Players must be HR 30 or higher
- Player must hunt a Bazelguese.
- Players will obtain increase Hunter Rank Exp.
- 9 ★ located in the Ancient Forest
- Players must be HR 30 or higher
- Player must deliver 10 Gourmet Shroomcaps
- Players will be able to find plentiful threat level 2 monster tracks
The best way to find the Gourmet Shroomcaps is head towards camp 8 or 11 as they have 2-3 Mushroom Colonies in a somewhat close proximity. Bring your gathering set to finish this quest even faster.
- 9 ★ located in the Elder Recess
- Players must be HR 50 or higher
- Deliver 10 Blue Beryl
- Players will be able to find ample Elder Dragon Tracks.
“Keeper of the Otherworld”
- 9 ★ located in the Confluence of Fates
- Players must be HR 16 or higher
- Slay Xeno’jiiva
“The Throne Taker”
- 9 ★ located in the Elder Recess
- Players must be HR 50 or higher
- Players will have to slay a Nergigante, a Lunastra, and a Teostra.
MR 1 – MR 6 Master Rank Event Quests
“The Lord of the Underworld Beckons”
- MR 1 ★ located in the Rotten Vale
- Players must be MR 1 or higher
- Players will have to deliver 20 Underground Fruit.
- Players can easily obtain the Arrowhead Gekko near the Fruits. Here is an example on where to find them.
- Players will earn lots of bone materials which will assist them when they first start playing Iceborne.
“Desert Desserts”
- MR 1 ★ located in the Wildspire Waste
- Players must be MR 1 or higher
- Players will have to deliver 20 Hard Fruit.
- Players will earn lots of ore materials which will assist them when they first start playing Iceborne.
“Trophy Fishing”
- MR 1 ★ located in the Hoarfrost Reach
- Players must be MR 2 or higher
- Players will have to hunt 2 Beotodus.
- Upon completion players will earn Frozen Tickets which are used to forge and upgrade the Frozen Speartuna, Freezer Speartuna, and Xyphias Gladius.
- On average players will obtain 2 Frozen Tickets per run.
“A Bunch of Sticks in the Mud”
- MR 1 ★ located in the Wildspire Waste
- Players must be MR 4 or higher
- Players will have to hunt 2 Banbaro
- Players will earn extra MR and HR experience while acquiring lots of Banbaro materials.
- MR 2 ★ located in the Special Arena
- Players must be MR 4 or higher
- Players will have to hunt a Radobaan and a Viper Tobi-Kadachi
- Players will earn extra MR and HR experience while acquiring lots of Monster Toughbones
“Colorful Carnival”
- MR 2 ★ located in the Special Arena
- Players must be MR 6 or higher
- Players will have to hunt a Kulu-Ya-Ku, a Tzitzi-Ya-Ku, a Pukei-Pukei, and a Coral Pukei-Pukei
- Players will earn extra MR and HR experience while acquiring lots of Fey Wyvern Gems.
“Balloon Fight”
- MR 2 ★ located in the Special Arena
- Players must be MR 6 or higher
- Players will have to hunt a Paolumu and Nightshade Paolumu
- Players will earn extra Hard Armor Spheres.
“ Every Hunter’s Dream II”
- MR 2 ★ located in the Coral Highlands
- Players must be MR 6 or higher
- Player must capture a Coral Pukei-Pukei
- Upon completion players will earn Wiggler Pot that will be used in order to forge the Wiggler α+ Palico Set
- On average players will obtain 3 Wiggler Pot per run.
“A Sky & Sea of Fire”
- MR 3 ★ located in the Elder’s Recess
- Players must be MR 7 or higher
- Players will have to hunt a Rathalos and Lavasioth
- Players will earn extra MR and HR experience while acquiring lots of materials from the hunted monsters.
“Soaked and Shivering”
- MR 3 ★ located in the Coral Highlands
- Players must be MR 7 or higher
- Players will have to hunt a Coral Pukei-Pukei and a Legiana.
- Players will earn extra MR and HR experience.
“Fired-Up Bruisers”
- MR 3 ★ located in the Coral Highlands
- Players must be MR 9 or higher
- Players will have to hunt a Glavenus and an Uragaan.
- Players will earn extra MR and HR experience while acquiring lots of Monster Slogbones.
“ Every Hunter’s Dream III”
- MR 3 ★ located in the Arena
- Players must be MR 9 or higher
- Player must slay a Nargacuga and a Nightshade Paolumu.
- Upon completion players will earn Black Eagle Blueprint that will be used in order to forge the new charge Blade, Black Eagle, and upgrade to the new charge blade, Black Lightning Eagle.
- On average players will obtain 1 Blue Eagle Blueprint per run.
“In the Depths of the Forest”
- MR 4 ★ located in the Ancient Forest
- Players must be MR 14 or higher
- Players will have to hunt an Azure Rathalos and a Fulgur Anjanath
- Players will earn extra MR and HR experience while acquiring lots of Monster Solidbones.
“The Desert Dash”
- MR 4 ★ located in the Wildspire Waste
- Players must be MR 13 or higher
- Players will have to hunt a Black Diablos and a Tigrex
- Players will earn extra MR and HR experience.
“Servants of the Vale”
- MR 4 ★ located in the Rotten Vale
- Players must be MR 16 or higher
- Players will have to hunt an Ebony Odogaron and an Acidic Glavenus.
- Players will earn extra MR and HR experience.
“Talk About a Party Foul…”
- MR 5 ★ located in the Special Arena
- Players must be MR 19 or higher
- Players will have to hunt a Seething Bazelgeuse.
- Players will earn extra Heavy Armor Spheres.
“We Three Kings”
- MR 5 ★ located in the Special Arena
- Players must be MR 19 or higher
- Players will have to hunt a Kirin, Kushala Daora, and a Teostra.
- Players will earn extra MR and HR experience while acquiring lots of Large Elder Dragon Gems.
“The Winter Blues”
- MR 5 ★ located in the Coral Highlands
- Players must be MR 21 or higher
- Players will have to hunt a Velkhana and a Namielle.
- Players will earn extra MR and HR experience while acquiring lots of Large Elder Dragon Bones.
“ RE: Return of the Bioweapon”
- MR 5★ located in the Rotten Veil
- Players must be MR 20 or higher
- Player must slay a Blackveil Vaal Hazak.
- Players will be inflicted with a Zombify Effluvium during this mission.
- Effluvium Resistance Decos won’t help.
- Players must gather Green Herbs to unzombify themselves
- Players can combine Red Herbs with Green Herbs to create Red+Green Herbs which act like a max potion and also unzombify.
- When Zombify players act like they are wearing a Rocksteady mantle taking less damage from attacks from can poise through them. They also can self heal similar to Vaal’s Set Bonus.
- Acid damage is negated as a Zombie
- Evading is disabled as a Zombie
- Upon completion players will earn S.T.A.R.S Badges that will be used in order to purchase the new Raccoon City items.
- On average players will obtain 3 S.T.A.R.S Badges per run.
“Moonlit Howl”
- MR 6 ★ located in the Coral Highlands
- Players must be MR 24 or higher
- Players will have to hunt a Zinogre .
- Players will earn lots of Zinogre materials.
“I Am Tranquil, I Am Sound”
- MR 6 ★ located in the Ancient Forest
- Players must be MR 24 or higher
- Players will have to hunt a Yian Garuga.
- Players will earn lots of Yian Garuga materials.
“A Roar that Splinters the Sky”
- MR 6 ★ located in the Elder’s Recess
- Players must be MR 70 or higher
- Players will have to hunt a Brute Tigrex.
- Players will earn lots of Brute Tigrex materials.
“A Glance of Silver”
- MR 6 ★ located in the Elder’s Recess
- Players must be MR 70 or higher
- Players will have to hunt a Silver Rathalos.
- Players will earn lots of Silver Rathalos materials.
“The Moon is a Harsh Queen”
- MR 6 ★ located in the Elder’s Recess
- Players must be MR 70 or higher
- Players will have to hunt a Gold Rathian.
- Players will earn lots of Gold Rathian materials.
“Scars Tell the Whole Story”
- MR 6 ★ located in the Ancient Forest
- Players must be MR 24 or higher
- Players will have to hunt a Scarred Yian Garuga.
- Players will earn lots of Scarred Yian Garuga materials.
“Razzled, Frazzled, and Dazzled”
- MR 6 ★ located in the Wildspire Waste
- Players must be MR 24 or higher
- Players will have to hunt a Rajang.
- Players will earn lots of Rajang materials.
For all your Monster Hunter needs stop by our Monster Hunter World Wiki. You can also check out the most recent guides in Monster Hunter World: Arch Tempered Nergigante and Monster Hunter World: Patch 6.00 Notes & Witcher Collaboration Event. Learn more about Monster Hunter World Iceborne in Monster Hunter World Iceborne: Glavenus Trailer Reveals News Monsters And More.
If you are looking for more Monster Hunter World info, you can go in-depth with our featured guides: All Armor Limits, Everything about Kulve Taroth, Long Sword Elemental Limits, Dual Blades’ Max Element & Status Limits, Attack Values & You, Crown Sizes & You, Monster Hunter World: The Canteen Explained With Ingredient Guide or Monster Hunter World: End Game Guide.
If you are interested in Monster Hunter World builds, you can peer into them at: Dragon Longsword Build, Raw DPS Build, and Elemental Crit Build For Sealed Weapons.
The post Monster Hunter World Iceborne Event Quest Guide appeared first on Fextralife.
from Fextralife
PrimeraEspada91 November 19, 2019 at 10:21AM
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