Friday, January 1, 2021

Editorial: Happy New Year From All Of Us At Nintendo Life

So long, 2020!

Blimey, 2020 was a bit of a slog, wasn't it? It's unlikely to be remembered as a particularly bumper year in mankind's history, what with a global pandemic effectively shutting the entire world down. We've had to curtail things we love to do in order to keep people safe, and many of us will have lost loved ones to a virus which, 12 months ago, wasn't viewed in quite as dramatic a light.

2021 doesn't look like it's going to be all that different – from where we are in the UK, a national lockdown has effectively been put in place which means we're kicking off the new year in very much the same fashion as we spent most of 2020 – but there are still reasons to remain cheerful. The earth's top boffins have discovered a vaccine and, fingers crossed, the new year's message we post in 12 months will be a little more upbeat.

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from Nintendo Life | Latest Updates January 01, 2021 at 03:30PM

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